नेदरलँड्सच्या शाही दांपत्याचे राजभवन येथे स्वागत


मुंबई, दि. 17 : नेदरलँड्सचे राजे विलेम-अलेक्झांडर आणि राणी मॅक्सिमा  यांनी आज राज्यपाल भगत सिंह कोश्यारी यांची राजभवन येथे सदिच्छा भेट घेतली.  यावेळी शासनाच्या वतीने राज्यपालांनी शाही दांपत्याचे स्वागत केले.

नेदरलँडमध्ये अनेक भारतीय वंशाचे लोक राहत असून तेथील उद्योग,माहिती तंत्रज्ञान क्षेत्रात योगदान देत असल्याचे राजे विलेम-अलेक्झांडर यांनी सांगितले. भारतीय योग नेदरलँडमध्ये अतिशय लोकप्रिय असल्याचे त्यांनी सांगितले. यावेळी कृषी व फलोत्पादन  पायाभूत सुविधा,जागतिक पर्यावरणातील बदल,सांस्कृतिक संबंध या विषयांवर चर्चा झाली.

महाराष्ट्र औद्योगिक क्षेत्रातील गुंतवणुकीसाठी देशातील सर्वांत पसंतीचे राज्य असल्याचे राज्यपाल श्री. कोश्यारी यांनी यावेळी सांगितले.

बैठकीनंतर राज्यपालांनी  शाही दांपत्याला राजभवन परिसराची सैर करविली. ०००००

King Willem – Alexander and Queen Maxima of Netherlands meet Maharashtra Governor

Mumbai dated 17:King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands met the Governor of Maharashtra Bhagat Singh Koshyari at the Governor’s sea-side residence Raj Bhavan in Mumbai on Thursday (17th Oct).

King Willem – Alexander told the Governor India and Netherlands have shared a long history of trade and cooperation. He said many Indian companies, especially those from the Information Technology sector are  operating from the Netherlands.

The King said Netherland has a large population of Indian expats who are making handsome contribution to the economy of his country.

Issues of mutual cooperation in the areas of agriculture, horticulture, water and sanitation and climate change were discussed during the meeting. The King and Queen of the Netherlands were accompanied by a high level delegation.

The Governor told the royal dignitaries that Maharashtra is the most investment – friendly destination in the country offering avenues of cooperation in several areas.

The Royal visitors are currently on a State visit to India on the invitation of President of India Ram Nath Kovind. They were accompanied by the Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs Stef Blok and a high level official delegation.

Information provided by the Consulate of the Netherlands in Mumbai

His Majesty King Willem-Alexander and Her Majesty Queen Máxima are in the Republic of India for a State Visit at the invitation of President Ram Nath Kovind. The visit is taking place from14to18October, and includes the cities of New Delhi, Mumbai and the state of Kerala. The State Visit is set to reaffirm the excellent relations between India and the Netherlands. It will focus on key sectors like water technology, maritime development, healthcare, sustainable agriculture, social initiatives & cultural heritage. The King and Queen will be accompanied on their visit by Stef Blok, Minister of Foreign Affairs & the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, Sigrid Kaag depending on the programs. The State Visit will have a broad parallel trade mission to India which is set to explore potential for further economic partnerships between both countries. Also visiting with the trade mission are the Minister for Healthcare, Bruno Bruins, and the State Secretary for Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, Mona Keijzer.



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